Radiant Acupuncture Radiant Acupuncture is located in Fremont on the corner of 35th and Troll. We are 1 block south of the Fremont Troll.
Gissel Health / Radiant Acupuncture is a safe space for the LGBTQIA+ community and welcome all to explore and experience Holistic Energetic Integration through the lenses of Master Tung’s Acupuncture, CST/UMAC, TBM, and CEW. The entrance is located on 35th directly next to the elevated Hyw 99 bridge and a block south of the Fremont Troll. There is only 1 “visitor” parking spot next the building in the reserved parking lot. Most parking is located on the street. This location only offers appointment sessions Monday-Thursday from 8:30am-6pm. I also offer sessions in the Capital Hill neighborhood ONLY on Fridays.