Energetic Integration: Master Tung's Acupuncture +

Master Tung’s Acupuncture is a non-local, distal family style of Acupuncture. This reduces the number of needles utilized to address the imbalances and blockages in a persons meridian system. This is combined with CST/UMAC for all sessions. NOTE: Insurance ONLY covers the acupuncture portion of the session. There is a required non-covered fee of $40 in addition to insurance copays / coinsurance... Read More

Master Tung’s Acupuncture is a non-local, distal family style of Acupuncture. This reduces the number of needles utilized to address the imbalances and blockages in a persons meridian system. This is combined with CST/UMAC for all sessions. NOTE: Insurance ONLY covers the acupuncture portion of the session. There is a required non-covered fee of $40 in addition to insurance copays / coinsurance due at time of service.
40-50 minutes total / session (combined with CST/UMAC)

I have a Masters Degree in Science from Bastyr University and I am licensed as an acupuncturist in Washington State, and nationally certified through the NCCAOM. I also am an Instrutor for the Upledger Institute teaching and helping to develop materials for the Unwinding Meridians workshops with its developer Dr. Ken Koles. All of this is combined with a vast number of continuing education hours focusing on Master Tung’s Acupuncture, CranioSacral Therapy, Total Body Modification, CEW, and NIS. With 20 years in clinical practice I filter much of my healing methods and learning style through the metaphorical lense that is Chinese Medicine. The beauty of being able to envision and “see” the stories told in those metaphors allows me to learn through a functional interactive method.

I have a Masters Degree in Science from Bastyr University and I am licensed as an acupuncturist i... Read More

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